Lake Siskiyou

Lake Siskiyou Campground has a dock where you can rent a fishing boat or patio boat for a few hours or the whole day! Mooring and dry docking are available.


Lake McCloud

The Boat Ramp at lake McCloud offers public access to the lake, and facilities include parking for vehicles with trailers, several picnic tables, and a vault toilet. Lake McCloud serves as the division between the Upper McCloud River and the Lower McCloud River. Mud Creek, which originates from the Konwakiton Glacier on Mt. Shasta.

Shasta Lake

There’s plenty of room to move on this 30,000 acre reservoir is the largest in California. Located 10 miles north of Redding, a typical summer day finds the crystal blue waters sprinkled with fishing boats, jet skis, inner tubesβ€”almost anything that floats. Especially houseboats.

Fun Factory Powerboat Adventures is your floating summer party place! Enjoy an unforgettable lake day with friends and family on your own private 12 passenger Malibu WakeSetter Professional Series Wakeboard Boat complete with comfortable wrap around lounger's and spotter seating, tonz of storage, all the fun water toys,
Wakeboard and Wakesurf Lessons and an Adventure Specialist to get you there!